Welcome to the Wildlife Training Institute

WTI’s Certified Wildlife ProtectorSM Program trains arborists and tree care professionals how to protect nesting birds and other wildlife while complying with state and federal laws.  This information is critical to help arborists avoid a Notice of Violation (NOV).  An NOV is issued by agencies like the US Fish and Wildlife Service, but can be called in by any concerned citizen.  NOVs are associated with high monetary penalties and negative publicity.  It is in the best interest of all arborists and those in the tree care industry to comply with state and federal laws.  Become a Certified Wildlife ProtectorSM and take the first steps toward protecting our most vulnerable species, while protecting you and your business from costly mistakes.

At the core of the training is practical advice for arborists and tree care professionals on how to protect wildlife while maintaining work efficiency. The program also focuses on pre-work procedures that can prevent wildlife encounters. Being Wildlife ProtectorSM Certified will help you communicate a positive, Green image to the public and clients.

Many biologists and other experts from a wide range of organizations have reviewed the program and provided critical feedback during its development. Among the reviewers were representatives with Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Our Community

Our Community

The members of the Wildlife Training Institute listed below are arborists, tree care services, and other green industry professionals that have demonstrated the required skills and knowledge to be Wildlife Protector Certified.  These professionals have dedicated themselves to providing quality tree care while protecting our most vulnerable species.  Our members provide a range of services including;

          • Tree pruning
          • Tree maintenance
          • Tree assessment
  • Tree removal
  • Stump grinding
  • …and much more!

Please contact any of our members to receive high quality Green tree services!

Follow the link to our Page of Qualified Biologists to get help with any situation!

About our Program

About Our Program

WTI’s Certified Wildlife ProtectorSM Program trains arborists and tree care professionals how to protect nesting birds and other wildlife while complying with state and federal laws.  This information is critical to help arborists avoid a Notice of Violation (NOV).  An NOV is issued by agencies like the US Fish and Wildlife Service, but can be called in by any concerned citizen.  NOVs are associated with high monetary penalties and negative publicity.  It is in the best interest of all arborists and those in the tree care industry to comply with state and federal laws.  Become a Certified Wildlife ProtectorSM and take the first steps toward protecting our most vulnerable species while protecting you and your business from costly mistakes.
    • 2 ISA CEU’s for certified arborists
    • Wildlife Protector Certification
    • Green marketing materials to provide your clientele
    • High resolution Wildlife Protector logo for use on promotional material and business cards
    • 1 year membership to the Wildlife Training Institute
    • Your business listed in a national network of Certified Wildlife Protectors

About Us

About Us

WTI Logo

The Wildlife Training Institute was founded in 2009.  Our mission is to teach tree care professionals, arborists, and others working in the green industry how to protect wildlife.  

The coursework for the Certified Wildlife ProtectorSM Program was developed by a knowledgeable group of professionals in both wildlife biology and arboriculture fields.  Drawing on years of industry experience from contributors in both arenas has resulted in coursework that provides a practical overview of laws, regulations, and best practices that are easily understood and applied to everyday work in tree care, landscape maintenance, and other green industry consulting services.


About Megan

Megan Morris is the CEO and program director for the Wildlife Training Institute. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in biological aspects of conservation and a concentration in environmental science. Megan has been an ISA certified arborist for over a decade. She is a mother, wife, and wildlife advocate with a drive to teach what she has learned to others. Megan was interviewed by Professor Bruce Allison, an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist. The interview was featured in the December 2013 issue of Arborist News.

Graduate Testimonials

Rick Morse, MS US Gov Inspector
“This should be mandatory training at all municipalities. I’m going to pass thew word around. I believe Megan would be a great guest speaker at any convention. Megan is truly a professional with personality.She made our conference special and educational. It really opened my eyes since my city is a Bird Sanctuary City. The City of Yorba Linda thanks you.”

Mark Davin, University Arborist
“I thought the training program was informative and I feel it is important to make tree care individuals aware of the results of their actions.”

Brian Koch
“I am not involved with the tree work but can note nesting wildlife to aid the tree workers in their pre-inspections.  This program has helped me, through a simple coarse, become more aware of the wildlife around us.”